Rehabilitation & Stroke Recovery

There’s still so much we don’t know about how the brain compensates for the damage caused by stroke. In some cases, the brain cells may be only temporarily damaged, not killed, and may resume functioning over time. In other cases, the brain can reorganize its own functioning. Every once in a while, a region of the brain “takes over” for a region damaged by the stroke. Stroke survivors sometimes experience remarkable and unanticipated recoveries that can’t be explained. General recovery guidelines show:

  • 10% of stroke survivors recover almost completely
  • 25% recover with minor impairments
  • 40% experience moderate to severe impairments requiring special care
  • 10% require care in a nursing home or long-term care facility
  • 15% die shortly after the stroke

Stroke Admission Criteria

Transitional Care Center Capitol City is committed to serving residents that are recovering from a Stroke. A resident must have a diagnosis of Stroke, CVA, Hemiplegia, or Intracranial Brain Injury. The person must have resources available so that Transitional Care Center Capitol City can provide the necessary clinical services for the individual suffering from a CVA or stroke.

Stroke Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation actually starts in the hospital as soon as possible following a stroke. In patients who are stable, rehabilitation may begin within two days after the stroke has occurred, and should be continued as necessary after release from the hospital.

Depending on the severity of the stroke, rehabilitation options can include:

  • A rehabilitation unit in the hospital with inpatient therapy
  • A rehabilitation hospital with individualized inpatient therapy
  • A subacute care unit
  • A long-term care facility that provides therapy and skilled nursing care
  • Home therapy
  • Returning home with outpatient therapy

The long-term goal of rehabilitation is to improve function so that the stroke survivor can become as independent as possible. This must be accomplished in a way that preserves dignity and motivates the survivor to relearn basic skills that the stroke may have impaired; skills like bathing, eating, dressing and walking.

Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Services

Transitional Care Center Capitol City strives to be the leader in post acute care with skilled nursing and rehabilitation at the heart of care. We utilize modern health care information systems for an efficient interdisciplinary approach insuring timely response and improving care outcomes. Our nursing and rehabilitation team work hand in hand to produce positive outcomes. Our nursing team is proficient in many aspects of nursing care including wound management, pain management, behavioral management, TPN, IV infusion and trachs, just to name a few. The rehabilitative team of Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapists offer a wide range of treatments and services to help the resident attain their physical goals. These include pain management, joint replacement recovery, stroke recovery, swallowing dysfunction and aphasia. We employ the best and latest techniques available to ensure effective treatment and healing.


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Transitional Care Center